日本時代「理蕃」用電流鐵條網與其被害者之考證 A Research on the Electric Fence and Its Victims for “Control of Aborigine” in Japanese Taiwan
凝視堂奧:臺灣客家建築之傳統及其當代性 Gazing at the Táng Ào: Exploring Traditional and Contemporary Hakka Architecture in Taiwan
從眷村、眷村保存到眷村文化保存與活化再利用:幾個概念的釐清與討論 Chuan-Tsuan, Chuan-Tsuan Preservation and Cultural Preservation and Revitalization of Chuan-Tsuan: A Conceptual Exploration
未盡「地景」:沿山地景中的族群互動軌跡與文化資產保存推動 Underprivileged “Landscape”: Examining Cross-Ethnicity Interaction and Promoting Cultural Heritage Preservation in Foothill Landscapes