英文摘要 |
The electric fence (tetsujomo in Japanese) discussed in this article, that is, the energized wire gauze was a“control of aborigine”facility managed by the police of the indigenous areas during the Japanese Taiwan. It was one of the auxiliary defense facilities of the Guard Line (aiyusen), was used since 1905 in the indigenous area, stopped in 1926, and was abolished to¬tally in 1930. At the beginning of the 20th century, electrical knowledge did not popularize in Taiwan. Electricity applications were even more expensive new technologies. The Government-General of Taiwan applied this high-tech equipment to manage the indigenous, which showed the degree of importance attached to the electric fence by the government. Most of the previous comments on the electric fence pointed out that it had a profound effect on“control of aborigine”of the colonial government and on oppressing and blocking the indigenous peoples. However, few have pointed out the cost of building and maintaining the electric fence and its re¬lationship with Taiwan’s power system. Through literature review and field investigation, this paper clarifies the historical evolution of the electric fence from its inception to its abolition, analyzes its technology and equipment, and summarizes the list of people killed and injured by the electric fence over the years. In addition, compare and analyze the location of the accident, the characteristics of the parties, and the causes of electric shock to reflect on the“effectiveness”and cost of the electric fence of control of aborigine. Also, fill the gap in the history of power development in“electricity utilization of con¬trol of aborigine”in Taiwan. |