中央研究院近代史研究所集刊 Bulletin of the Institute of Modern History Academia Sinica
201806 (100期)期所有篇
士、商文化的衝突與調和--從廣告字紙看清代消費社會與文化史之一面相 Tensions between Gentry and Merchant Cultures: Advertising Papers as an Aspect of Consumer Society and Cultural History
「仙居古廟鎮蠻邦」:拉律戰爭與何仙姑信仰在英屬馬來亞的開展 “Pacifying the Wildland”: The Larut Wars and the Beginning of the He Xiangu Cult in British Malaya
居家必備:《婦女雜誌》在五四前的通俗科學啟蒙(1915-1919) Household Necessities: Popular Science in The Ladies' Journal (Funü zazhi) before the May Fourth Movement, 1915-1919
呂迅,《大棋局中的國共關係》 Lu Xun, Butterfly and Dragonfly: From the Civil War to the Cold War, 1944-1950