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中央研究院近代史研究所集刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Household Necessities: Popular Science in The Ladies' Journal (Funü zazhi) before the May Fourth Movement, 1915-1919
作者 黃相輔
近年來,學界開始關注商務印書館出版的《婦女雜誌》對科學知識傳播的貢獻,然而過往研究著重新文化運動思潮下的啟蒙,鮮少討論五四前的情況。五四前的《婦女雜誌》其實含有豐富的通俗科學內容,涵蓋醫藥衛生、理化、生物、教育學等領域,以及各種與家政相關的實用常識。《婦女雜誌》對家庭範疇的偏重有其時代脈絡:一方面受日本傳入的賢妻良母論述影響,在男女分工的思維下強調家庭是婦女貢獻社會的重要活動場域;另一方面又基於科學改良家政的理念,期望藉由整頓家庭生活進而改革社會。兩位主編王蘊章、胡彬夏皆提倡普及女子教育,王蘊章尤其重視實用常識及娛樂教化,對雜誌在此時期的表現有深刻影響。《婦女雜誌》擘劃的改良家庭、日常生活與通俗教育等藍圖,反映了當代知識分子對現代化生活的想像,也不啻是有別於五四新文化模式的另一種啟蒙。 Recent scholarship has noticed the contributions of The Ladies' Journal (Funü zazhi), published by the Commercial Press in Shanghai, to communicating scientific knowledge to general readers. However, most studies still focus on the themes of enlightenment that stemmed from the New Culture movement, while The Ladies' Journal featured abundant popular science coverage, including medicine, hygiene, pedagogy, physical and life sciences, along with a great number of practical articles on home economics. The Ladies' Journal's emphasis on the family was influenced by two factors: the ideology of ideal womanhood (“good wife and wise mother”) from Meiji Japan, and the vision of utilizing science to reform domestic life as well as society. Two of its editors, Wang Yunzhang and Hu Binxia, were pivotal figures in shaping the representation of science in the early magazine. Both editors emphasized the need to popularize women's education. Depictions of improving domestic life and popular education in The Ladies' Journal before the May Fourth Movement reflected a vision of modern life held by contemporary intellectuals. They also provided an alternative enlightenment different from the New Culture movement's mode.
起訖頁 85-128
關鍵詞 《婦女雜誌》王蘊章胡彬夏科學普及改良家庭Funü zazhiWang YunzhangHu Binxiapopular scienceimproving domestic life
刊名 中央研究院近代史研究所集刊  
期數 201806 (100期)
出版單位 中央研究院近代史研究所
該期刊-上一篇 「仙居古廟鎮蠻邦」:拉律戰爭與何仙姑信仰在英屬馬來亞的開展
該期刊-下一篇 呂迅,《大棋局中的國共關係》




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