外科手術病患安全風險因素評估之研究 The study on evaluation of risk factors in surgical operation
建置照顧服務員派班管理資訊系統之效益分析--以某區域教學醫院為例之個案研究 The Establishment and Evaluation of Certified Nursing Assistants Dispatching Management Information System: Case Study of One Hospital
經驗法則式護理人員Excel排班系統之開發 The Development of a Heuristic-based Excel Scheduling Support System for ICU Nurses
建立健保碼與LOINC碼檢驗對應資料庫之研究 Building up a NHI-LOINC Laboratory Database for Mapping NHI Codes to LOINC
早產兒心率變異性之分析研究 The analysis of heart rate variability for preterm infants