商略學報 International Journal of Commerce and Strategy |
202106 (13:2期)期所有篇 |
- 台灣蘋果供應鏈價值創造與所得不均度:技術效率中介效果 Value Creation and Income Inequality in Taiwan’s Apple Supply Chain: The Mediating Effect of Technical Efficiency
- 全通路零售的退貨政策與退貨服務品質對忠誠度之影響 The Impact of Return Policy and Return Service Quality on Customer Loyalty in Omni-channel Retailing
- 國軍採購人員綠色採購行為模式影響因子之研究:植基於計畫行為理論 A Research of Determinant Factors about the Military Officer’s Green Purchasing Behavior: Based on Theory of Planned Behavior
- 人力網站美學資本與網路忠誠關聯:求職者滿意為調節變項 The Relationship between Aesthetics Capital and Internet Loyalty: the Moderating Effect of Job Seekers’ Satisfaction