澄清醫護管理雜誌 Cheng Vhing Medical Journal |
201201 (8:1期)期所有篇 |
- 電子病歷與病人隱私權保護 Patient Privacy in Electronic Medical Records
- 青少年棒球選手手肘內側疼痛與肩關節旋轉活動度之關係 The Relationship between Medical Elbow Pain and Shoulder Rang of Motion in Adolescent Baseball Players
- 護生工作價值感受與專業承諾之關係探討 Correlations of Work Vaule and Professional Commitment among Nursing Students
- 台灣地區自殺死亡率相關因子探討 An Exploration of th Factors Influencing Suicide in Taiwan
- 一位肺結核中斷服藥併惡性腫瘤之個案管理經驗 Case Management of a Patient with Tuberculosis, Drug Noncompliance, and a Malignant Tumor
- 照顧一位婦女因子宮肌瘤行子宮切除之護理經驗 The Experience of Nursing a Woman Who Underwent Hysterectomy for Uterine Myoma
- 條碼科技於改善護理檢體採集標示錯誤之成效 Implementation of Bar Code Technology to Minimize Labeling Errors of Specimens Collected by Nurses
- 降低抗酸菌染色污染率 Reducing the Contamination Rate of Acid Fast Bacilli Staining