澄清醫護管理雜誌 Cheng Vhing Medical Journal |
201101 (7:1期)期所有篇 |
- 運用把關行動提昇手術安全 Improving surgical safty through checklist
- 降鈣素原為住院發燒嬰兒及幼童之細菌感染的指標 Procalcitonin as a Marker for Bacterial Infection in Febrile Infants and Young Children
- 每周更換呼吸器管路對呼吸器相關肺炎有幫助嗎? Does Weekly Change of the Ventilator Circuit Really Matter in Preventing Ventilator Associated Pneumonia?
- 台灣新移民女性與醫療衛生需求 Correlations Between Demographic Characteristics and Healthcare Needs among New Female Immigrants in Taiwan
- 糖尿病門診照護品質與就醫機構相關性探討 Investigating the Quality of Outpatient Care for Diabetic Patients in Different Health Care Organizations in Taiwan
- 降血糖藥物分類:Diabetes M Antidiabetic Medication: the “Diabetes M” Approach
- 魚骨引發咽後膿瘍 Retropharyngeal Abscess from a Fish Bone
- 慢性住院精神分裂病患者對禁菸政策意見之因素探討 Exploring the Factors Associated with Opinions about the new No Smoking Policy among Chronic Schizophrenia Inpatients