運用資料包絡分析法探討署立醫院、縣市立醫院及其委託經營醫院經營效率 Using Data Envelopment Analysis to Examine the Managerial Efficiency of National Public Hospitals, City/County Hospitals and Other Contracted Hospitals
婦女執行骨盆底肌運動之阻礙因素質性研究 Women’s Perceived Barriers to Performing A Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercise: A Qualitative Approach
住院病患跌倒事件分析──以某區域教學醫院為例 Falls Among Hospital Inpatients: The Case of a Regional Teaching Hospital in Taiwan
以中部某區域醫院為例──輸血反應頻率及症狀探討 Frequency and Symptoms of Blood Transfusion Reactions in a Regional Hospital in Central Taiwan