澄清醫護管理雜誌 Cheng Vhing Medical Journal |
200607 (2:3期)期所有篇 |
- 評估第二代促甲狀腺刺激激素受體抗體之檢測方法於葛瑞夫茲氏症 The Evaluation of The Second Generation Assay for Measuring TSH Receptor Antibody in Graves’ Disease
- 居家服務的行銷 The marketing of home service
- PACS建置暨HIS、RIS無縫整合與管理研究探討 The Establishment of PACS and Management Research of Seamless Integration Between PACS, HIS and RIS
- 醫學中心門診候診病患之衛生教育需求探討 Health Educational Needs of Patients’ Waiting Time at Outpatient clinics in Medical Center
- 單純性肺動脈心內膜炎 Isolated Pulmonic Valve Endocarditis
- 一位初診斷肝癌末期合併脊髓壓迫患者之護理 Nursing Experiences: A Patient of hepatocellular carcinoma presenting with spinal Cord Compression
- 提升約束病人照護認知 Improved Awareness Concerning Restraint Patients
- 醫學倫理與法律病例研討 Medical Ethics and Legal Case Conference