澄清醫護管理雜誌 Cheng Vhing Medical Journal |
200504 (1:2期)期所有篇 |
- 中部地區某國中學生甲狀腺體積和功能及其相關因素之探討 Preliminary Evaluation of Thyroid Volume and Function and Associated Risk Factors among a Junior High School Students in Mid-Taiwan
- Napsin A對分辨肺腺癌與轉移性腺癌的限制與利用研究 The utility and limitation of Napsin A study in distinguishing primary lung adenocarcinoma and metastatic lung adenocarcinoma
- 糖尿病患認知之溝通 Communication of Illness Perception with Diabetic Patients
- 家庭暴力臨床實務工作模式--現況運用及暴力相關因素探討 A Review of Clinical Social Work for the Domestic Violence Cases and a Discussion of the Domestic Violence causation
- 創傷後復發性之心包出血及心包膜炎--病例報告 Post-Traumatic Recurrent Pericardium Hemorrhage & Pericarditis : Case Report
- 以腮腺腫塊為表現的原發性食道小細胞癌--病例報告 Primary Esophageal Small Cell Carcinoma Presenting with Parotid Gland Metastatic tumor- Report of A Case
- 侵入性肺麴菌病--病例報告 Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis - Case Report
- 協助一位不明原因昏迷青少年之主要照顧者面對壓力 Assist to face stresses for a caregiver who cared a youth with coma that caused unknown
- 降低外科加護病房非計劃性氣管内管拔管發生率 Decreasing unplanned extubations rate in the surgical intensive care unit
- 護理人員針扎防治改善專案 Improving needle injury prevention of nurses
- 周邊靜脈留置護理改善專案 Improving the nursing care of intravenous catheterization