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A Review of Clinical Social Work for the Domestic Violence Cases and a Discussion of the Domestic Violence causation
作者 汪美鳳
國內家庭暴力整合性業務防治實務運作始於民國八十九年,傳統對家庭暴力之社會認 知普遍不足,將家庭暴力案件視爲『家務事』或『一己』、『個人』之事,社會缺乏支援系統,故受暴婦女往往成爲社會結構中錯誤認知之沉默者,其受暴事實無法從法律系統、警政系統及社會系統獲得保障及保護。根據自89年迄今之114件家庭暴力個案基本資料分析,受害者之年齡分佈以26〜30歲及31〜35歲佔最多;18歲以下之兒少保護次之。暴力種類仍以婦女保護爲主,兒童少年保護居次,其中需正視之問題爲兒童、少年及老年雖然所佔之比率較低,但這三者係屬社會的弱勢族群,社會層出不窮發生老人棄養及青少年兒童虐待事件,但在家庭暴力防治之保護傘下,該族群仍是弱勢之一方,這與此兩種年齡層誰去舉發?不易表達及與加害人之親屬關係有著很大的影響,故應加強教育單位及社區鄰里兩大系統之功能。本研究結果將(暴力)原因歸類爲:經濟、失業、外遇、個性不合、加害人人格特質、不當管教、賭博、酗酒、偶發事件及其他因素,而佔最多數的暴力原因在受害者之主觀陳述爲加害人之人格特質。在性別部份仍以女性受害者爲主(88.6%),但自零星男性個案之發生情形而言,代表男性突破強者之刻板角色勇於向專業機構求援。暴力關係仍以配偶施暴爲主(66.7%),代表愈親蜜之關係若無法自男性沙文權力與控制之因素作認知與行爲之改變,則不同之時空仍是會持續發生婚姻之暴力。
The integrate actions to prevent the domestic violence in Taiwan were started from 2000. Traditionally, Chinese treads the domestic abuse or domestic violence as an internal business of a family, or as a personal or private affair. The society lacked of supporting system, victims used to be silent under the distorted social structure. They could not get the sufficient protection from the legal system, police system, or the other social systems. Analysis the basic data of 114 domestic violence cases after 2000, the ages of victims converge on 26~30 and 31~35 years old; secondary were under 18 years old. The woman protection occupied the main cases; the children protection was at the second group. We shall also watch the victims of children, teens, old ages; thoughs the percentages are lower. These three groups belong to the weakish parts of society, though they under the umbrella of the law of domestic violence prevention still. We shall enforce the assistances from school and neighborhood systems; these victims do not announce their suffering very well, because their lower expressive capability or particular relationships. This research categorizes the related cases as the following causation: financial, workless, fornication, incompatibility, individualities of wrongdoer, undue whipping, gambling, alcoholism, fortuity, and the other causation. Most victims complained that it was cause of the individualities of wrongdoer. Regarding the sexuality, most victims are female (88.6%). About the few male victims, it shows that man has broken the tough image and seeking assistance from the professional institute. Spouse is the main wrongdoer (66.7%). This shows that the marriage violence will keep happening, if those chauvinists cannot change their cognizance and behavior in such closely marriage relationships.
起訖頁 26-33
關鍵詞 家庭暴力虐待巨視系統微視系統中視系統個人因素Domestic ViolenceAbuseMacrosystemMicrosystemExosystemOntogentic level
刊名 澄清醫護管理雜誌  
期數 200504 (1:2期)
出版單位 財團法人澄清基金會
該期刊-上一篇 糖尿病患認知之溝通
該期刊-下一篇 創傷後復發性之心包出血及心包膜炎--病例報告




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