慶元黨禁前後四川的理學--兼論蜀地的道統祠廟 Neo-Confucianism in Sichuan before and after the Qungyuan Prohibition, with a Supplement on the Study of the Scholarly Shrines in Sichuan
幸出水火:清雍乾時期宗室隸屬包衣佐領的身分調整 The Status Adjustment of the Imperial Family within Booi Company in the Yung-cheng and Ch'ien-lung Courts of the Ch'ing Dynasty
中文鹵素名詞,1822~1945 Chinese and Japanese Translations for the Halogens, 1822-1945
日治初期基隆土地糾紛事件的法律社會史分析(1898~1905) An Analysis of the Legal and Social History of Land Disputes in Keelung during the Early Japanese Colonial Period
「應否授予婦女選舉權?」:法國國會兩院立場的衝突(1914~1940) "Should Women be Given the Right to Vote?": The Conflict of Positions between the Two Chambers of the French National Assembly (1914-1940)
戰時體制下臺灣總督府鐵道部運輸政策之研究(1937~1945) A Study of the Transportation Policy of the Railway Department of the Taiwan Governor-General's Office under the Wartime Regime (1937-1945)
錢先生論《論語》為學次序及其「歷史心與文化心」初探 A Preliminary Study of Qian Mu's Comments on the Order of Learning in "The Analects" and His Ideas on "Heart of History, Heart of Culture"