成大歷史學報 Cheng Kung Journal of Historical Studies |
201412 (47期)期所有篇 |
- 論北宋水磨茶法 The Study of the Monopoly System of Tea by Water-powered Mills (Shui Mo Cha Fa) in the Northern Song Dynasty
- 晚明《鉛書》修撰及其礦冶開發史料探析 A Study of the Compilation of "Yen Shu" during the Ming Dynasty and Its Records on Mining and Smelting
- 馬克思或馬爾薩斯主義?再論馬寅初的人口理論 Marxism or Malthusianism? Reconsider Ma Yin-chu's Population Theory
- 在華經商之英國企業的負擔:在華治外法權的一個神話,1902-1907 A Burden of British Mercantile Firms Doing Business in China: A Myth of Extraterritorial System in China, 1902~1907
- 產權、治理結構:近代中國企業制度的歷史走向 Property Rights and the Structure of Governance: The Historical Development of the Modern Chinese Enterprise System
- 唐至北宋時期賓禮的禮儀空間 Ritual Spaces of Foreign Guests in the Tang and Northern Song Dynasties
- 金代的官員遷轉路徑--以格法為中心的觀察 The Routes of Promotion and Transfer for Officials in the Jin Dynasty -A Study of the Qualification System "Gefa"