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Marxism or Malthusianism? Reconsider Ma Yin-chu's Population Theory
作者 徐文路
In 1957, the famous economist in modern China, Ma Yin-chu, proposed his "New Population Theory" which was criticized as "Malthusianism" by many. Ma rejected these points, and by writing back, he emphasized his differences from Malthus and called his critics "Dogmatists". Since then, no one has studied whether Ma Yin-chu's theory was founded on the theory of Malthus. On the other hand, the role and situation of the Malthusian theory among the academic circle of modern China also affected the development of this event. Accordingly, this paper attempts to delineate the scholarly thinking and intellectual tradition of Ma in order to understand the theoretical relations between Ma Yin-chu and Malthus. Meanwhile, in the larger academic and scholarly context, this study explains the reason of the CCP's hostility towards Malthusian theory, and of the incident of Ma. This paper suggests that the Malthusian theory of population had always been opposed and rejected by revolutionaries and radical elements in modern China because Malthus understood the problem of poverty as a result of the poor being incapable of birth control, not social inequality. Indeed, to a certain extent, the Malthusian theory of population was affected by Malflius' reverse correlations between demographic growth and increase in food supply. Yet, as I argue, even those who used Marxist theory (particularly people like Chang Pei-gang) might not have understood it correctly.
起訖頁 71-112
關鍵詞 馬寅初馬爾薩斯馬克思人口理論張培剛Ma Yin-chuMalthusMarxPopulation theoryChang Pei-gang
刊名 成大歷史學報  
期數 201412 (47期)
出版單位 國立成功大學歷史學系
該期刊-上一篇 晚明《鉛書》修撰及其礦冶開發史料探析
該期刊-下一篇 在華經商之英國企業的負擔:在華治外法權的一個神話,1902-1907




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