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Property Rights and the Structure of Governance: The Historical Development of the Modern Chinese Enterprise System
作者 張忠民
In recent years, research on modem Chinese enterprise system, with emphasis upon the 'company system' and 'share system', has become an important area in the study of Chinese economic history. In particular, the historical development concerning the modem Chinese enterprise system is a question worthy of our consideration. In previous studies, some emphasize the resistant forces in the process of the development of the modem Chinese enterprise system, and the impact of traditional factors upon the enterprise system. The main opinion of these studies is that due to traditions and the unsound development of the Chinese social systems, the development of the modem Chinese enterprise system has thus been obstructed. This leads us to raise a question, that is, what kind of historical development did the Chinese enterprise system take? Was the evolution of the modem Chinese enterprise system moving towards progress and perfection, or did it become problematic, or even remained so and getting worse? Here we need to undertake a study of the historical trend of a relatively long-term duration in modern China. In fact, if one takes an objective perspective on the history of the evolution of the Chinese enterprises in the last hundred years or so, one would find that it was not only during the late Qing, from 1860s to the early twentieth century, that the Chinese enterprise system enjoyed considerable progress and transformation, but also throughout the different periods from the late Qing, to the Beiyang and Nanjing periods of republican China, even though these changes and progression still carried some local characteristics and bore some shortcomings. The paper attempts to provide a general sketch of the historical development of the modern Chinese enterprise system through the perspectives of property rights and structure of governance.
起訖頁 155-193
關鍵詞 近代中國企業制度產權治理結構Modern Chinaenterprise systemproperty rightsstructure of governance
刊名 成大歷史學報  
期數 201412 (47期)
出版單位 國立成功大學歷史學系
該期刊-上一篇 在華經商之英國企業的負擔:在華治外法權的一個神話,1902-1907
該期刊-下一篇 唐至北宋時期賓禮的禮儀空間




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