衛生教育學報 Journal of Health Education |
200606 (25期)期所有篇 |
- 國小學童學習壓力與其近視發生及惡化關係之一年追蹤研究 Evaluation of the correlation between the learning stress and the myopia incidence of the elementary school students by one year of longitudinal surveys
- 國小高年級氣喘學生身體活動介入研究 Effects of the physical activity intervention program for asthmatic students in primary schools
- 多元自尊構念對國中生健康促進行為之影響研究 The effect of the multiple self-esteem construct on the health promotion behaviors of junior high school students
- 臺北市國中生自尊、身體意象與運動行為相關性研究 A study of the relationships among self-esteem, body image and exercise behavior of junior high school students in Taipei City
- 臺北市技術學院學生刺激尋求特質、危險知覺與俱樂部藥物使用行為之關係研究 A study on the relationship between sensation seeking, risk perception and club drugs using behavior among students from three institute of technology in Taipei
- 我國大學通識生死教育課程設計之研究--德懷術研究法之應用 Study of curriculum design on life and death for college's General Education-- the application of the Delphi Technique
- 醫院病人接受抗生素團體衛生教育成效之評估 Evaluation of the effect of an antibiotic use education program for hospital patients
- 臺灣金融保險業實施職場健康促進活動現況及影響推展因素初探 Provision and the affecting factors of workplace health promotion programs in banking and financial insurance enterprises in Taiwan