衛生教育學報 Journal of Health Education |
200412 (22期)期所有篇 |
- 臺灣地區政府機關與公營事業機構實行菸害防制法現況研究 Implementing tobacco hazords control act at the government offices and government-owned enterprizes in Taiwan-- A case study
- 宜蘭縣九所國、高中職學生吸菸行為之影響因素研究 Correlates of cigarette smoking behavior among nine high school students in E-Lan County, Taiwan
- 家長預防措施與子女菸害知識、反菸態度和吸菸行為研究 Parental prevention strategy and adolescent's smoking knowledge, attitude and behavior
- 應用情境學習原則之機車安全教育課程教學實驗研究 The effect of motorcycle safety educational curriculum by application of the principle of situated learning
- 臺北市國中健康與體育領域教師對九年一貫課程之角色知覺、教學信念及教學效能研究 The junior high teachers' role perceptions, teaching belief, and teaching effectiveness for the health & physical education learning area of the 1~9 curriculum in Taipei City
- 社區老人睡眠品質、失眠類型與求助方式之研究--以臺北市基督長老教會松年大學為例 The sleep quality, types of insomnia and help-seeking methods of the elder in senior college of Taipei Presbyterian church
- 大學生校園音環境覺知、態度及需求之研究 College students' awareness, attitude and demand toward school sound environment
- 高中職學生身體意象與減重意圖之研究 Body image and weight reduction intention of students in the senior high and vocational schools
- 社區婦女休閒時間身體活動測量問卷信效度評價 Evaluation the reliability and validity of leisure-time exercise questionnaire in the Chinese community women with the V02max, percent body fat and the muscular endurance as criteria