金沢の工芸の取り組み日本の工芸産地‧北陸、金沢から見た工芸の未来 Kanazawa's Craft Strategy: Japanese Craftsmanship, the Future of Craftsmanship by Hokuriku Kanazawa
工藝理論的美學需求 On the Aesthetic Demand of Theory of Craft
當代工藝初探──以纖維藝術教育為例 Research for Contemporary Craft- on Fiber Art Education
1960年代初香港與臺灣電影中的族群對立與和解:《南北和》、《兩相好》與《龍山寺之戀》 Ethnic Conflict and Reconciliation in the Movies of Hong Kong and Taiwan in the Early 1960s: The Greatest Civil War on Earth, Good Neighbors and Romance at Lung Shan Temple