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Research for Contemporary Craft- on Fiber Art Education
作者 吳佩珊
如果我們大膽假設,當代工藝應該跟工藝區別開來,當代工藝雖然以工藝為基礎,但早已脫離工藝的向度,成為一種新的表述方式。因此若要將當代和工藝當成是互為修辭的同位語,會產生可能的誤解和侷限。工藝從純粹技術,到頂尖臻熟的技術成為一門藝術,到含有藝術的技術,工藝在臺灣已經成為藝術的顯學。然而從事工藝創作所談論的工藝,可能是高度形象化後的工藝,也就是富含文化色彩,地理人文知識的工藝,回到純粹作為民生用途的工藝,早就是不同的類項。而當代,除了當下發生之時間斷定,可從當代性來談論。本文嘗試以纖維藝術教學現況與作品描述來回應當代性問題。 If we boldly assume that contemporary crafts should be distinguished from crafts. Although contemporary crafts is based on craftsmanship, it has long since deviated from the dimension of craftsmanship and becomes a new way of expression. Therefore, if contemporary and crafts are to be regarded as eulogues of mutual rhetoric, possible misunderstandings and limitations will arise. First of all, talk about craftsmanship. From pure technology to top-notch technology, it has become an art to art-containing technology. Craftsmanship has become an art trade in Taiwan. However, the craftsmanship involved in craft creation may be a highly visualized process, that is, a process rich in cultural color, geographical and humanistic knowledge, and returning to purely as a process of people's livelihood, which has long been a different category. In the contemporary era, apart from the time of the moment, it can be discussed from the contemporary. This paper attempts to respond to contemporary issues with the current state of fiber art education and description of works.
起訖頁 29-45
關鍵詞 當代工藝當代性纖維contemporary craftscontemporaryfiber
刊名 南藝學報  
期數 201812 (17期)
出版單位 國立臺南藝術大學
該期刊-上一篇 工藝理論的美學需求
該期刊-下一篇 1960年代初香港與臺灣電影中的族群對立與和解:《南北和》、《兩相好》與《龍山寺之戀》




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