本土心理學研究 Indigenous Psychological Research in Chinese Societies |
202106 (55期)期所有篇 |
- 重返「本土契合性」論辯:默會之知的實踐智慧 The Indigenous Compatibility Debate and the Role of Tacit Knowledge as Practical Wisdom
- 本土心理學中的創造性「繼承」與「轉化」:以權威取向的理論發展為例 Applying Creative Inheritance and Transformation to Indigenous Psychology: Authoritarian Orientation Theory as an Example
- 破解科學主義的魔咒 Disenchantment with Scientism in Psychological Research in Taiwan
- 建構「含攝文化的理論」之延伸思考與疑問 Contemplating and Questioning the Construction of Culture-Inclusive Theory in Psychology
- 建構華人本土化心理學理論的歷程與心態 The Agenda and the Mentality of Constructing Chinese Indigenous Psychological Theory
- 難上加難的道德兩難:東西文化在道德心理之可能對話 The Difficulty of Moral Dilemmas: A Possible Dialogue on Moral Psychology between Eastern and Western Cultures
- 實證是心理科學的必要但非充分條件 Empirical Evidence is a Necessary but not Sufficient Condition for Psychological Science
- 請正視本土心理學研究的重大危機 Facing up to the Critical Crisis in Indigenous Psychology Research
- 庸易:本土心理學的人文想像與社會實踐 Reflection on Humanistic Imagination and Social Practices in Indigenous Psychology
- 文化系統的科學分析:論「知識」與「權力」的漩渦 Scientific Analysis of Cultural Systems: A Discussion of the Knowledge and Power Vortex