國小教科書評選作業之檢核項目建立與概況調查 Establishment of a Checklist and the Investigation of Operational Situation for Elementary School Textbook Selection in Taiwan
我國非日語系大學生心目中好的日語教材——問卷調查結果與日本的比較 What Non-Japanese Majors in Taiwanese Universities Consider Good Japanese Textbooks: Findings from Questionnaires and Comparisons with Case Studies in Japan
國小自然與生活科技教科書的語句類型分析——因果性解釋與預測性解釋的探討 An Analysis of Elementary School Science and Technology Textbooks: An Examination of Causal Explanation and Predictive Explanation
國小高年級社會教科書中學生中心取向教學設計之研究 Analysis of Instructional Design Embedded in Social Studies Textbooks Based on Student-centered Approach