公民教育與活動領導學報 The Bulletin of Civic Education and Leadership |
202109 (26期)期所有篇 |
- 體驗教育戶外指導員生涯困境之因應 Exploring Coping Strategy of the Outdoor Experiential Education Instructor’s Career Obstacle
- 「我」對「他們」:都會弱勢國中生公民素養之研究 “I” vs. “They”? The research on civil competence of low socio-economics status junior high school students
- 北部三所大學性別平等事件之對質權研究──以99學年度至107學年度為例 Examining Confrontation of Gender Equality Cases in 3 Universities in Taipei:the Academic Year of 2010-2018
- 戶外冒險教育課程對澳門大學生生活效能與團隊凝聚力之成效 Effects of the Outdoor Adventure Education Courses on Undergraduates’ Life-Effectiveness and Group Cohesion in Macau