中華體育季刊 Quarterly of Chinese Physical Education |
201912 (33:4期)期所有篇 |
- 影響大學運動員認知學習成效因果模式之探究 Causal model of affecting college student athletes' cognitive learning outcomes
- 運動後低血壓與血流動力學分析之文獻回顧 A brief review of physiology in post-exercise hypotension and application of arterial hemodynamic analysis
- 戰機飛行員抗G力之體能訓練策略 Physical training strategy of fighter pilots anti-G tolerance
- 從治療到禁藥:基因與細胞禁藥對運動員的影響 From therapy to doping: Effects of gene and cell doping on athletes
- 早產兒認知功能與身體活動之文獻回顧 Cognitive function and physical activity in children with preterm birth: A review
- 游泳穿戴式裝置開發之文獻回顧 A literature review in development of swimming wearable devices
- 臀大肌弱化與選擇性訓練方式之探討 Gluteus maximus weakness and selective trainings