高強度間歇訓練的間歇持續時間或強度是否會影響過重/肥胖成年人之運動遵從度與愉悅感? Does interval duration or intensity during high-intensity interval training affect adherence and enjoyment in overweight and obese adults?
健身運動、阿茲海默症與認知功能之關聯:APOE ε4之角色 The association of exercise, Alzheimer's disease, and cognitive function: The role of APOE ε4
正念訓練的新契機:神經影像科學研究之運用 The turning point of mindfulness training: The application of neuroimaging research
棒球投手投球動作的上肢生物力學探討 The effect of pitching biomechanics on the upper limb in baseball pitchers
跳水運動之源起與成形 A study of the origin and the development of diving