中華體育季刊 Quarterly of Chinese Physical Education |
201503 (29:1期)期所有篇 |
- 臺灣體育運動性別平等教育推展之現況 Gender equity in sport and PE in Taiwan
- 練習過程與動作學習的挑戰點假說 Challenge point hypothesis for practice process and motor learning
- 中華職棒更換轉播權及增設轉播平台之影響 The effects of changing broadcasting rights and the new broadcasting platform of Chinese professional baseball league
- 以社區應用為導向之中老年人行動能力評估 Community-based approaches of mobility evaluation in adults aged 50 Plus
- 全身震動刺激應用於腦性麻痺患者身體功能改善之探討 The application of whole body vibration training for improving physical function in individuals with cerebral palsy
- 軍機飛行員下背痛的肌肉適能運動處方 The prescription of muscle fitness training for low back pain of military pilots
- 3×2成就目標理論在身體活動情境中的適用性 The application of 3 × 2 achievement goal theory in physical activity National Taiwan University of Arts
- 以三重效能信念模式探討自我效能 The extension of self-efficacy: The tripartite efficacy beliefs model
- 老年人身體活動與認知功能之中介分析 Physical activity and cognitive function in older adults: Mediation analysis
- 論中國桌球金牌教練的培育之道 On the way of cultivating Chinese table tennis gold medal coaches
- 球迷為何愛得瘋狂?!
- 一黑二黃三花四白?誰是運動好手?