藝術論壇 Journal of Art Forum |
202201 (13期)期所有篇 |
- 中介、全球化、再生產:從台北藝博會看中介平台對藝術場域之影響 Intermediaries, globalization and reproduction: Using Art Taipei as an example to illustrate the impact of intermediaries on the art field
- 非洲離散──從他者文物到當代藝術的多元詮釋 The Diaspora of African Art: From the Heritage of Others to the Diversity in Contemporary Art
- 真實性與豐富性──阿哈斯論細節 The Truth and Abundance Daniel Arasse on details
- 芭芭拉.克魯格圖文作品之性別論述 Sexual Discourse in Barbara Kruger's Works with Pictures and Words
- 校園公共藝術之美感教育探究──以國立臺南大學為例 The Study of Aesthetic Education by Public Art on University Campus --- A Case Study on National University of Tainan
- 互動媒體網站應用於國中生視覺藝術鑑賞學習之初探──以故宮〈清院本清明上河圖〉網站為例 A Preliminary Study on the Application of Interactive Media Website in Visual Arts Appreciation Learning in Junior High School Taking an example from the thematic website of the Qing court version of Up the River During Qingming in the Taipei Palace Museums