教育經營與管理研究集刊 Bulletin of Educational Entrepreneurship and Management |
201501 (11期)期所有篇 |
- 國小校長自我領導之個案研究 A Case Study of Principle's Self-leadership in Elementary School
- 易經美學觀在學校領導之應用:以乾坤兩卦為例 Application of Aesthetics of “I Ching” to School Leadership: Taking Two Hexagrams, Qian and Kun, for Example
- 國民小學校務評鑑指標建構之研究 The Research of Construction Elementary School of Evaluation Indicators
- 論我國以多元文化為國家定位的爭議:從多元文化教育與教育正義的觀點 A Debate of Taiwan’s Multicultural Identity From the Views of Multicultural Education and Educational Justice
- 國小學生學業情緒與幸福感之模式研究--以同儕互動為中介變項 A Study of the Academic Emotions of Elementary Students and Well-being Model-Using‘Peer Interaction’as the Mediator