物業管理學報 Journal of Property Management |
201703 (8:1期)期所有篇 |
- 大型集合住宅共用休閒設施使用現況與滿意度調查 Investigation on the current situation and satisfaction of communal leisure facilities in large scale residential
- BIM建築資訊與COBie表單於建築物設施管理階段之後續應用――以大龍峒公營住宅為例 Utilizing BIM and COBie in the facility management of building - The case of Da Long Dong public housing
- BIM應用於建築營運設施管理先前規劃之探討 Developing initial plan for the use of BIM for facility management for buildings during operation phase
- WSN環境下之節能與智慧家庭生活系統建置之研究 A study on the construction of energy saving life and smart home system under WSN Environment
- 高雄市政府建築物生產履歷之建置 The development of Kaohsiung City Government building construction traceability system