少潮、觀潮、儀、耐儂、拾遺是誰?——《臺灣日日新報》作者考證 Who are shao chao, guan chao, yi, nai nong and shi yi? Identifying the authors of taiwan ri ri xin bao
論「虞廷賡歌」的文化傳統及其在臺灣古典詩學中的意義 Discussion of the Tradition of “Yu Ting Geng Ge” And it's Significance in Taiwanese Classic Poetry
「南方文化」的理念與實踐——《文藝臺灣》作品研究 The Idea and Practice of “Southern Culture” ─Study on the Literary works of “Literature in Taiwan”
一九四○年代臺灣日語小說之成立與台北帝國大學 The Establishment of the Japanese-Language Fiction in Taiwan in the 1940s and Taipei Imperial University
臺灣風土、異國情調與現代主義——以楊熾昌的詩與詩論為中心 Taiwanese Scenery, Exoticism and Modernism ─Focusing on You Syoku-syou's Poetry and Poetics
余光中在一九七○年代臺港文學跨區域傳播影響論 Yu Kuang-chung's Influence of Multi-area Literary Communication in 1970's
翻譯作為一種文化傳播策略——論戰後初期(1945-1949)日譯本的出版與知識生產活動 Translation as a Communicating Strategy: on Japanese Translation publications and Knowledge Production Activities from 1945 to 1949