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Yu Kuang-chung's Influence of Multi-area Literary Communication in 1970's
作者 須文蔚
本研究以余光中為例,分析七○年代的台港文學傳播與互動關係。台、港七○年代文學界,都開始正視中國傳統,掃除五、六○年代現代主義文學過於西化、晦澀及自我的弊病,期盼將文學植根傳統,反映現實,並追尋本土性與認同。余光中七○年代在港、台文學傳播最大的意涵,莫過於以其綜合古典與現代主義的理論,在引介英美現當代文學的同時,讓兩地詩壇重新省視傳統與當代的交互影響力。研究也發現,台、港在七○年代開始,文學的學院體制日益健全,香港中文大學從七○年代中葉,開始重視現、當代文學發展,聘任余光中、梁錫華、黃維樑等作家、比較文學學者與翻譯家,開設系列課程,改變了文學教育的方向與結構,也展現出當時媒體重視學院作家的影響力。而「沙田幫」文友之間的聚合,形成當代文學研究的課題,從布爾迪厄(Bourdieu) 的「文學場」理論中,不難發現學者在文學場域中具有「支配權力」,特別當學者社群透過文學評論的力量,強化了運用象徵資本爭取象徵支配權,自然更加引發矚目與重視。而在台灣七○年代文學場域中,余光中在台港間的跨區域文學傳播現象,正說明了學院作家高度的影響力,當時文學傳播場中,媒體借重海外知識分子的論述衝擊封閉的文化環境,無論在現代詩論戰、鄉土文學論戰以及香港作家的推介上,余光中的評論文字都備受矚目,成為論戰或是閱讀的焦點,自有其來自文學傳播結構的影響力。
This study analysed Yu Kuang-chung's (余光中) influence of multi-area literary communication in 1970's. At that period, the literary world began to think highly of the classical Chinese literature in Taiwan and Hong Kong. They expect that literary circles to reflect the social reality and nativism. Yu met with success to construct a conformability theory of Classical Chinese literature and Modernism. In the meanwhile Yu also introduced and translated modern and contemporary English and American Literature works. Yu did open and enlighten a lot of poets both in Taiwan and Hong Kong. This study also discovered the academy system of literature attained to maturity in 1970's. The Chinese University of Hong Kong emphasized the courses of modern and contemporary literature. They hired many writers, scholars of comparative literature and translators, like Yu Kuang-chung, Liang Hsi-hua (梁錫華), and Wong Wai Leung (黃維樑). They were invited to host some series of curriculums which created literary education a new milestone. Finally, Yu made a great impact on readers, young writers and literary circles in the field of multi-area literary communication.
起訖頁 163-190
關鍵詞 余光中文學傳播現代主義香港文學Yu Kuang-chungLiterary communicationModermimsmHong Kong literature
刊名 台灣文學學報  
期數 201112 (19期)
出版單位 國立政治大學台灣文學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣風土、異國情調與現代主義——以楊熾昌的詩與詩論為中心
該期刊-下一篇 翻譯作為一種文化傳播策略——論戰後初期(1945-1949)日譯本的出版與知識生產活動




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