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Translation as a Communicating Strategy: on Japanese Translation publications and Knowledge Production Activities from 1945 to 1949
作者 王惠珍
本文主要探討日本敗戰後,1945 年至1949 年易代之際,前殖民者的語言「日語」,在戰後初期的台灣文化場域中,究竟扮演著怎樣的角色?釐清官方文化宣傳機關與民間出版業者在面對高達百分之七十左右的日語人口時,他們如何調整書刊出版和宣傳策略。官方將翻譯作為一種文化傳播策略,將殖民者的「日語」轉化成媒體「譯語」。報章媒體則藉由「日語版」、「日語譯註」進行文化知識的轉譯,以期介入戰後初期的台灣文化場域的言說空間,展現他們的文化能動性。又,戰後台灣日語讀書市場在日本印刷資本退出後,面對強勢的「中國化」之要求時,各方勢力各自爭取台灣日文讀者大眾,以因應他們的閱讀之需,進行知識生產活動。 「日語」在戰後初期中、日文化知識權力消長之際,官方為宣達政令與闡揚國民黨政權的統治合理性之便,「日語」具現了作為官方傳播語言的工具性價值,進行政治性的翻譯,並發展出新的文化協商空間。民間的文化勢力則透過「日文版」或日文書籍、中日對照書籍,展現翻譯的政治性與社會的需求性。台灣藝術社相關人士則承繼戰前通俗文學的出版策略,跨越時代因應大眾閱讀通俗文學之需。左翼文化人士雖將譯介作為國語運動的一環積極推動,但譯本內容卻隱藏著左翼的大眾文化關懷與現實批判之精神等。總之,藉由本文的考察勾勒出戰後初期日譯本的出版和知識生產活動之概況。
This paper focuses on what kind of role Japanese, the language of ex-colonists, played in the early stage of Taiwan post-war cultural fields. To have a clearer view of this discussion, this paper has to analyze a phenomenon: when facing the still vast audience of Japanese, who made up 70 percent of reading population of the time, how did different groups of people adjust their publishing and promoting strategies? The succeeding government converted language of ex-colonists into some sort of “lingua franca,” using it as a tool to convey official ideas, whereas privite newspapers and magazines, by arranging Japanese columns or pages in their publications, conducted translation of knowledges to show their agency and to ensure visibility in cultural fields; besides, publishers still made new translation products respectively to cater to Japanese readers' need, despite retreat of Japanese capital and government's demand for “being Chinese.” In other words, during the wax and wane of different cognitive powers after the war, the Chinese government employed Japanese to deliver orders and to justify its legitimacy of rule, but Japanese not only functioned as a governmental tool for political purposes but also created some room for compromise between cultures. On the contrary, non-governmental cultural powers demonstrated their dynamics in politics and satisfied the need of readers through Japanese books and Japanese (even bilingual) versions of books. In addition to those groups mentioned above, members of 台灣藝術社 continued their publishing strategy as they did before the war to feed the remaining readers of popular literature, and left wingers implanted their social concerns and criticisms in their translation products. To sum up, through this paper's investigation, part of the outline of Japanese translation publications as well as knowledge production activities after war is hoped to be given.
起訖頁 191-229
關鍵詞 翻譯日語政治性傳播知識生產TranslationJapanesePoliticsCommunicationsKnowledge production
刊名 台灣文學學報  
期數 201112 (19期)
出版單位 國立政治大學台灣文學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 余光中在一九七○年代臺港文學跨區域傳播影響論




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