屏東教育大學學報:人文社會類 Journal of Pingtung University of Education: Liberal Arts & Social Sciences |
201203 (38期)期所有篇 |
- 孫應鰲與王門弟子的交誼 Closeness of Friendship between Sun Ying-Ao and His Disciples Following Wang Yang-Ming
- 李商隱詠花詩的析與賞 Analysis and Enjoyment of Li Shang Yin's Reciting Flowers Verse
- 消費者對服飾認知與購買意願之研究 The Research of Consumers' Apparel Cognition and Purchase Intentions
- 崇儉黜奢:明代君臣的治國典範 Advocating Thriftiness and Reproving Extravagance: The Model of Administration for Emperors and Ministers of Ming Dynasty
- 《論語》「唯女子與小人」章之詮釋說法析評 Exploration of the Hemeneutics in Analect 17.25
- 臺灣原住民tiyuma(鞦韆)文化之研究 Swinging between the Sacred and the Profane: A Study on the Tiyuma Culture of the Indigenous People in Taiwan