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Advocating Thriftiness and Reproving Extravagance: The Model of Administration for Emperors and Ministers of Ming Dynasty
作者 謝忠志
In Ming Dynasty, the social atmosphere experienced a sudden change during the mid-Ming years, and became a period characterized by “interest seeking”, “materialism”, “overstepping authority” and “extravagance”. Undeniably, this trend of pompousness was mostly led by the bureaucrats. However, emperors and ministers of Ming Dynasty should have been told by Confucian classics and teachings of the history that “advocating thriftiness and reproving extravagance” is the fundamental model of good administration. Therefore, emperors were expected to set a good example of leading a “thrifty and simple” life. Whenever the emperor spoke or acted inappropriately, the central bureaucracy would try to rectify and control him by means of the memorials to the throne and on the basis of ancestral teachings or the warning of natural disasters and extraordinary phenomena. On the other hand, local officials worked with the gentry to bring “thriftiness” into full play by laying down “village regulations”. The promotion of a thrifty atmosphere in Ming Dynasty owed a lot to the clan power. “Thriftiness” was written into the clans’ regulations and families’ teachings, and became an important doctrine for familial succession. Purposes of “advocating thriftiness and reproving extravagance” are not only to avoid the imperial power from being overstepped, but also to serve as a fundamental stabilizing force for the society and for maintaining the national strength.
起訖頁 123-154
關鍵詞 明代儉樸奢靡奏疏鄉約家訓Ming dynastyThriftinessExtravaganceMemorial to the throneVillage regulationsFamily teachings
刊名 屏東教育大學學報:人文社會類  
期數 201203 (38期)
出版單位 國立屏東教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 消費者對服飾認知與購買意願之研究
該期刊-下一篇 《論語》「唯女子與小人」章之詮釋說法析評




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