領導護理 Leadership Nursing |
201803 (19:1期)期所有篇 |
- 精實醫療管理於手術室之應用 Lean Management in the Medical Operating Room
- 精實思想管理以傷口照護流程為例 Application of Lean Thinking Management to Wound Care Process
- 身體自我概念對於社會體型焦慮之影響 The Influences of the Perceived Evaluation of One's Physical Self on Social Physique Anxiety
- 一位多次遭受家庭暴力的外籍配偶之急診護理經驗 Emergency Nursing Experience of Caring for a Foreign Spouse Suffering from Domestic Violence
- 照顧一位懷孕後期達理埃氏症加劇婦女身體心像改變的護理經驗 Nursing Experience Regarding the Body Image Disturbance of a Pregnant Woman in the Third Trimester with Acute Exacerbating Darier's Disease
- 照顧一位到院前心跳停止個案之加護護理經驗 Nursing Experience for an Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest (OHCA) Patient in the Intensive Care Unit
- 一位機械性傷害併手指截肢患者之手術全期護理經驗 The Perioperative Nursing Experience of Taking Care of a Patient with Finger Amputations Resulting from Mechanical Injuries
- 血液透析護理人員執行高血磷護理指導完整性之改善方案 Promoting the Nursing Instruction for Hemodialysis Patients with Hyperphosphatemia