工業4.0品質『人事物』的蛻變之1--「人事暨組織」運作的蛻變 The Quality Transformation of『People/Business/ Articles』based upon Industrial 4.0 , Part 1 --Regarding「People/Organization」Operation
問題分析與解決要有競爭力的思維 Embed a Competitive Thinking on Problem Analysis and Solving
優質企業安全認證與內部稽核 Authorized Economic Operator and Internal Audit
藥物配方格點式實驗設計 The Simplex Lattice DOE for Formulation
腸造瘻口模具對學習者之成效探討 The effectiveness of innovative colostomy model on learner
美國品質學會北亞區總經理張萬澤訪問本會紀實 Documentary of visit of Mr. Zhang, Wanze, President of ASQ North Asia