法治與公共治理學報 Journal of Law and Public Governance |
201312 (1期)期所有篇 |
- 發展觀光條例第53條之合憲性研究--簡評台北高等行政法院96年度簡字第85號判決 The Study of constitutionality for 'Article53 of Statute for the Development of Tourism':The Review in Taipei High Administration Courts Judgment 96 Chien Zi No.85
- 外部誘因與學習行為:歐盟與波蘭環境政策學習 The Use of External Incentives and Learning Behaviors:European Union and Poland's Environmental Learning
- 醫師協助死亡之法律爭議與倫理反思——英國法制之視野 Legal and Ethical Reflections on Physician-assisted Dying:A United Kingdom Perspective
- 新興民主國家之公民社會及參與民主:台灣與捷克之個案研究 Civil Society and Participatory Democracy in the New Democracies:A Comparison Between Taiwan and Czech Republic