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法治與公共治理學報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Use of External Incentives and Learning Behaviors:European Union and Poland's Environmental Learning
作者 楊三億張婉珍
External Incentives Strategy is one of the most important EU's foreign policy instruments after the end of Cold War. Significant efforts are under way to evaluate more the results of one specific version of democracy promotion;nowhere is this more visible than in the effects of external incentives in EU's neighbor area. In the past decades, the number of members of European Union had increased to 28 in 2013;this growing moment and expanding influences show signs of deeper regional intergration. Political elites of EU select incentives as a dominant strategy when they seek to induce regimes' political transformaton. The huge imbalance in the overall incentive structure and structurally dependence between EU member states and the frequent use of incentives and sanctions for the promotion of democracy, limited research has been devoted to inquire how incentives function in the face of transnational relations. The authors argue that, incentives will likely to create impetus as the target states have more willingness to identify themselves as 'we'group.In the following, this article is structured in three parts. First, the authors argue that focal point of EU's external relation is the use of external incentives; this is also related to regional stability and European integration. Second, the use of incentives can be seen in a way of multiple approaches. Third, the influential model of external incentives rests on bilateral interflow, social learning process and demonstration effects;moreover, credibility and increasing returns reinforce the influence of external incentives.
起訖頁 19-40
關鍵詞 歐盟波蘭外部誘因學習European UnionPolandExternal IncentivesSocial Learning
刊名 法治與公共治理學報  
期數 201312 (1期)
出版單位 翰蘆
該期刊-上一篇 發展觀光條例第53條之合憲性研究--簡評台北高等行政法院96年度簡字第85號判決
該期刊-下一篇 醫師協助死亡之法律爭議與倫理反思——英國法制之視野




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