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Legal and Ethical Reflections on Physician-assisted Dying:A United Kingdom Perspective
作者 謝國欣歐陽薇
Assisted dying has remained one of the most controversial and unresolved legal and ethical issues in and beyond UK for decades. In January 2012, the British Commission on Assisted Dying proposed A draft Assisted Dying Bill for consultation, in support of legalizing assisted dying. This article will examine issues of physician-assisted dying from legal and ethical viewpoints. First , one focus of this article is to address on legal challenges raised by assisted dying Questions raised include:whether the right to die could be read into the right to life protected by Article 2of ECHR?How to resolve the conflicts between the principle of the sanctity of human life and the principle of patient autonomy?And, whether physician-assisted dying shall be legalized ?Second, it pinpoints ethical controversies generated by assisted dying. What the underlying medical and moral reasoning is when one comes to the end of life decision would be the key question to be examined in this part.
起訖頁 41-58
關鍵詞 醫師協助死亡法律爭議醫學倫理physician-assisted dyinglegal controversymedical ethics
刊名 法治與公共治理學報  
期數 201312 (1期)
出版單位 翰蘆
該期刊-上一篇 外部誘因與學習行為:歐盟與波蘭環境政策學習
該期刊-下一篇 新興民主國家之公民社會及參與民主:台灣與捷克之個案研究




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