台灣歌仔冊的本土化現象 A Study on the Indigenization of Taiwanese Kua-a-tsheh
《臺省民主歌》作者與腔調的探討 A Study of the Authorship and Accents of the Song of Taiwan Democracy
日治時期啟蒙運動的再現:《滄溟行》、《荒村》的歷史敘事 Representation of the Enlightenment Movement in Taiwan during the Japanese Colonial Period: the Historical Narrations ofthe Novels Cang Ming Xing and Huang Cun
朗唱の諸相:夕イセル( 泰雅)族を例として The Aspects of Rosho: Centered on the Oral Culture in the Atayal Tribe
語言、文學與文化三部曲:杜建坊《歌仔冊起鼓》述評 A Trilogy of Language, Literature and Culture: Areview of Tôo Kian-bong's Kua-a-tsheh Khi-koo