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朗唱の諸相:夕イセル( 泰雅)族を例として
The Aspects of Rosho: Centered on the Oral Culture in the Atayal Tribe
作者 伊藤順子
This work focuses on people from ancient times who have expressed themselves through an oral culture. In its early stages of development an oral culture has no written language. As an example, the Atayal tribe, the aborigine of Taiwan has no written language even now. Therefore, throughout the centuries their history, moral, rule and wisdom have been transmitted orally. Of all others, they have the special way of oral culture named Rosho. It is not only to sing but to chant. Rosho covers important aspects of the match and the intercession. It is not a mere communication of records. Rosho plays a significant function. It passed the native tongue down from generation to generation. And it protects Atayal tribe's identity. However, these days there is an increasing tendency for external factors to gradually bring about change in this long-established tradition. This paper presents research on the 、pattern of change of Rosho in the Atayal tribe, with the understanding that this pattern canbe applied to other cultures.
起訖頁 97-119
關鍵詞 泰雅族吟唱民族認同感鄉土語言教學Atayal tribeRoshoethnic identityeducation of the ethnic languages
刊名 台灣學誌  
期數 201104 (3期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學臺灣語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 日治時期啟蒙運動的再現:《滄溟行》、《荒村》的歷史敘事
該期刊-下一篇 語言、文學與文化三部曲:杜建坊《歌仔冊起鼓》述評




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