公共事務評論 Journal of Public Affairs Review |
201212 (13:2期)期所有篇 |
- 簽訂ECFA後臺灣證券業進入大陸市場模式及經營策略之初步研究 The Initial Study on the Entry Model and Business Strategies of Taiwan's Security Industry Entering Mainland China after Signing ECFA
- 後台中市永續發展之省思:制度量能與公共支出的分析觀點 Lessons of Sustainable Development in New Taichung City: Perspectives of Institution Capacity and Public Expenditure
- 從公民參與觀點看彰化馬興村社區營造之歷程 Theory and Practice of Citizen Participation: A Case Study of Ma-Shing Community in Changhua County
- 社會福利團體人力培訓運作的探討:兼論政府補助影響 The Problems within Social Service Organization Training Staffs: The Influences from Government's Grants