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Theory and Practice of Citizen Participation: A Case Study of Ma-Shing Community in Changhua County
作者 李柏諭劉鴻陞陳柏霖 (Po-Lin Chen)
近年來,台灣政府從「社區總體營造」到「台灣健康社區六星計畫」的推動,主要目的在於藉由社區營造運動所激發的公民意識,進一步落實公民行動參與,此一實踐過程可為社會提供安定的力量,最終促使民間主動參與政府政策,透過民間自主運作,讓政府與民間社會處於永續經營的協力模式。針對日趨多元的公民公共參與型態,引發本研究的問題意識,這個問題意識具體指涉兩個層次:第一個層次,對於公民參與而言,作為推動社區營造的促進者或倡導者,如何以之聯結進行社區治理?同時將面臨何種問題與挑戰?如何判斷社區體進行公民參與的社會資本〈social capital〉內涵?第二層次,也是本研究欲處理的最核心關鍵----「在個人參與(individual participation)與公共參與(public participation)的跨層次(cross-level)聯結之間,如何仔細分辨公共參與行為的意義,究竟是基於私利還是真的能促進公共利益?」位於台灣彰化縣「馬興社區」是一個值得探討的個案,原因在於它被視為是成功帶領公民參與進行社區營造,進而傳遞政府政策的「由下而上」之治理模式。對此,本研究將以台灣馬興社區為例,探討其如何透過公民參與的核心概念推動社區營造?如何在不同的公共議題類型中落實公民參與公共事務?並且進一步透過社區營造與公民參與的跨層次聯結分析馬興社區治理在效率面、效能面與社會面的實質成效。
Recently, Taiwan government through the community construction movement inspirits citizenship, and further to implement the citizen participation. Such a practice process can be a force for the social stability, and finally can promote the civil activity to participate in government policy. Through non-governmental autonomous operation would make government and civil society in the sustainable management of partnership. A case study of Ma-Shing Community in Changhua County is worth to explore in Taiwan, because it is regarded as successfully led the citizens to participate in the community construction, and then deliver the government policy of 'bottom-up' governance model. This research is aimed at dealing with the theoretical basis of citizen participation, and further proposes the cross-level analysis to help people and organizations find ways to become more effective at improving communities. Empirically, this paper is going to illustrate how can the Ma-Shing Community through the core concept of citizen participation to promote the community construction.
起訖頁 55-75
關鍵詞 公民參與社區營造社區治理社區發展協會社會資本Citizen ParticipationCommunity ConstructionCommunity GovernanceCommunity AssociationSocial Capital
刊名 公共事務評論  
期數 201212 (13:2期)
出版單位 中華公共事務管理學會
該期刊-上一篇 後台中市永續發展之省思:制度量能與公共支出的分析觀點
該期刊-下一篇 社會福利團體人力培訓運作的探討:兼論政府補助影響




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