人文研究學報 Journal of Humanistic Studies |
201610 (50:2期)期所有篇 |
- 顏鈞的經典詮釋 Yan Jun's Religionized Interpretation of Confucianism
- 舊文體與新思潮的跨域交匯-易宗夔《新世說》的「現代性」初探 The Cross-Domain Discussion on Jiuwen Style and New Ideology – The Initial Study on the Modernity in Zongkui Yi's "Xin Shishuo"
- 魏晉小說中的悲劇意識 Tragic consciousness in the novels of Wei and Jin Dynasties
- 論司馬遷筆下的衛青:以「互見」與「屬辭比事」為探究方法 Discuss the Narrative of Wei Qing in Shiji through the Method of “Hujian” and the Skill of Categorize Phrases and Events Arrangement
- 絲路之香料文學研究 The Silk Road Of Spice Literary Study