醫療化理論的後進國批判:以台灣慢性腎病治理的知識、專業與體制轉變為例 The Medicalization of a Latecomer Society: A Critique Based on the Case of Knowledge, Profession, and Transformation of a Medical Regime in Taiwanese Chronic Kidney Disease Governance
非關上網?台灣的數位落差與網路使用的社會後果 Anything but Online? The Digital Divide and Social Consequences of Internet Use in Taiwan
助人專業與多元情緒勞動:社工員與常民助人者服務外籍配偶的比較研究 Helping Professions and Multidimensional Emotional Labor: A Comparative Analysis of Foreign Spouse Services between Social Workers and Lay Helpers in Taiwan
南傳佛教在台灣的發展與影響:全球化的分析觀點 The Development and Influence of Theravada Buddhism in Taiwan: A Globalization Perspective