遷移、挫折與現代性:蘭嶼達悟人精神失序受苦的社會根源 Migration, Mental Frustration, and Modernity: The Social Origins of the Mental Disorders of the Tao Aboriginal People on Taiwan's Orchid Island
勢不可免的衝突:從結構╱過程的辯證看美麗島事件之發生 An Unavoidable Conflict: An Explanation of the Kaohsiung Incident in Terms of the Dialectic of Structure and Process
親屬連結、社會規範與國境管理:中國福建省無證移民的研究 Kinship Networks, Social Rules, and Border Control: A Study of Fujianese Undocumented Immigrants
在國家權力與家族主義之間: 企業控制與台灣大型企業間網絡再探 Between the State Power and Chinese Familism: Corporate Control and Intercorporate Networks in Taiwan Revisited