「文明」的磋商:1930年代臺灣長篇通俗小說--以徐坤泉、林煇焜作品為例 Negotiating 'Civilization': Popular Fiction from Taiwan in the 1930s–Taking Xu Kunquan's and Lin Huikun's Works as Examples
「故鄉」:記往與想像的敘事學--論張文環文學之梅山地區書寫 Homeland': A Narrative Study of Memory and Imagination - Exploring the Meishan Writings of CHOU Bunkan
被動員的「鄉土藝術」:黃得時與太平洋戰爭期的布袋戲改造 The Mobilized 'Native Arts' Huang Deshi and the reformation of glove puppetry in the Pacific-War period
有國無家的地理想像:戰後初期臺灣小學地理教育中的家鄉與異鄉、我族與他者 Imaginary Geography of a Homeless State: Contrasting Constructions of 'Home Land' and 'Foreign Land' in Taiwan's Post-war Elementary Geography Education
「頑童」與「完人」:《魯冰花》與《阿輝的心》中的男童形構 Wild Boy' and 'Perfect Lad': The Construction of Boyhood in Lu Pin Hua and A Huei De Xin
越南、臺灣、法國--尹玲的人生行旅、文學創作與主體追尋 Vietnam, Taiwan, and France - Yin Ling's Life Journey, Literature Creations, and Search for Subjects