臺灣文學研究集刊 NTU Studies in Taiwan Literature |
200711 (4期)期所有篇 |
- 殖民與遺民的對視:洪棄生與王松的棄地書寫 Colonialism vis-à-vis Loyalism: Hong Qisheng and Wang Song's Writings on Deserted Place
- 張愛玲〈色,戒〉探析──兼及相關之歷史記載與李安的改編電影 A Study of Eileen Chang's “Lust, Caution”–Mentioning also the Relevant Historical Records and Ang Lee's Screen Version of the Story
- 臺灣民間歌謠中的「媳婦」論述 The Discourse of ‘Wife & Daughter-in-Law’ in Taiwanese Folk Songs
- 吳新榮之左翼意識──關於「吳新榮舊藏雜誌拔粹集(合訂本)」之考察 Left Wing Ideology of Wu Hsin-Jung: An Examination on Collection of Wu Hsin-Jung’s Clips from His Trove Magzines