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The Discourse of ‘Wife & Daughter-in-Law’ in Taiwanese Folk Songs
作者 洪淑苓
民間歌謠與婦女的關係十分密切,婦女是歌謠的傳唱者也是接受者,若說歌謠反映婦女的心聲,則在某個層面上,歌謠也具有教化的功能,負有女教的意味。本文以近年專家學者所采錄的臺灣民間歌謠為範圍,選擇與「媳婦」角色有關的歌謠文本,探討其中對「媳婦」的內在、外在要求標準,也關注歌謠中所吐露的身為「媳婦」之心聲。本文認為這幾類「媳婦歌」的敘事,形成了某種論述的話語與場域,可看到傳統女教與女性意識的權力抗衡。全文除前言與結語,區分三個層面探討,一、臺灣民間歌謠中的「媳婦」類型與形象,包括(一)賢慧媳婦與不賢媳婦的對比,(二)兇、懶、髒與貪吃的媳婦,(三)童養媳;二、臺灣民間歌謠中形塑「媳婦」的途徑,包括(一)女教經典的通俗化及其衍異,(二)童謠的遊戲性與薰染效益,(三)婚禮歌謠及其象徵意義的期待與深化;三、臺灣民間歌謠中「媳婦」的抗衡心聲,包括:(一)催嫁的反動:抗嫁,(二)宿命的舒解:怨嫁,(三)理想的婚配:擇嫁。透過分析與比較,本文企圖指出經典文獻、民間閨訓類的書譜所形塑的女教規範,進入民間歌謠之後的面貌與衍異情形,而民間歌謠又如何以童趣、訴苦、怨懟、抗議的語言來抵抗這種教化的力量,進而表露女性心目中理想的婚配。 Folk songs have a close relationship to woman. Woman is both a singer and a receiver of folk songs. Folk songs reflect women’s mood and in the other hand, spread the traditional points of women’s education. This paper focused in Taiwanese folk songs about women’s subject. It had a detailed discussion of the characters of ‘wife & daughter-in-law’. Those questions like how to be a good wife and daughter- in-law, what’s the feeling of woman as a wife and daughter- in-law, would all be discussed in the kind of Taiwanese folk songs named’ Song of Wife & Daughter-in-Law’. The narratives of these folk songs make different discourses and fields. We would find the balance between the traditional points of women’s education and the consciousness of feminism of ordinary women. That’s the issues in the context: 1.the types and images of wife & daughter-in-law; 2.the ways to create the characters of wife & daughter-in-law; 3.the objections of woman as a wife & daughter-in-law. Under the analysis and comparison, we would find the change of the classics and folk texts of women’s education which were represented in folk songs. The folk songs fight to the traditional points of women’s education with childish tone, murmur sound , hated words and objective attitudes . We may finally find women’s willing is to dream a wonderful marriage and good husband in the folk songs.
起訖頁 77-126
關鍵詞 民間文學民間歌謠臺灣文學女性研究媳婦folk literaturefolk songTaiwan literaturewomen studywife & daughter-in-Law
刊名 臺灣文學研究集刊  
期數 200711 (4期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學臺灣文學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 張愛玲〈色,戒〉探析──兼及相關之歷史記載與李安的改編電影
該期刊-下一篇 吳新榮之左翼意識──關於「吳新榮舊藏雜誌拔粹集(合訂本)」之考察




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