建築學報 Journal of Architecture |
202306 (124期)期所有篇 |
- 考量多目標最佳化及建築師規劃偏好之街屋規劃效率評估 Planning Efficiency Assessments of Street Houses considering the Tradeoffs of Multi-Objective Optimization Problems and Architect’s Planning Preferences
- 基於深度學習於營建施工現場危害警示模型之建立 Development of a Construction Site Hazard Warning Model Based on Deep Learning
- 近零碳集合住宅減碳效益之研究 Research on Carbon Reduction Benefits of Nearly-Zero-Carbon Residential Building
- 建築師COVID-19防疫建築設計認知、態度與執行意願相關之研究──以臺北市建築師公會會員為例 Study on the Relationship between COVID-19 Prevention Architectural Design: Awareness, Attitudes, and Implementation Intentions of Taipei Architects Association Members
- 景觀影像類型與空間頻率對偏好與腦區反應之影響 Neural Correlates of Natural Scenes: Effects of Scene Category and Spatial Frequency on Preference and Brain Activation Responses
- 以鋼索補強之牙桿懸吊管線系統耐震補強研究 A Study on Cable Restrained Seismic Behavior of Suspended Piping Systems with Rod Support